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interior and furniture
空間に和紙を施工するということは、そこに柔らかな時間を持ちこむことだと思います。 光を一旦内に含み反射する和紙は、表面で光を反射する素材よりも柔らかく、壁からの圧を和らげます。 そのため、存在感の薄い壁面となり、結果、そこに置かれるものが美しく見えるようになります。 空間にいる人やモノが主役とすれば、和紙は脇役へと徹してくれる、そうした素材が和紙だと思います。 住空間だけではなく、飲食店やホテル、ギャラリーなど年間約50件程の施工を行い、それぞれの場所ひとつひとつの空間に合わせてオリジナルの和紙を作り施工をしする事により、そこにしかない空間が生まれます。


空間に合わせたアートワークの制作も行ないます。 使用する和紙はソーダー灰処理した楮100%を基に、空間に応じ、顔料の漉き込みや着色を行います。 不燃加工の対応もしています。
I believe washi gives a subtle presence to the space as a material that allows an object or a person to be the protagonist. As the light hits the surface of washi, it reflects back and softens the boundaries between the wall and the space.

Many of our clients mention that they were initially worried about ruining the material but after a while they realise how durable washi is. For over a century, people in Japan have continued to use washi for everyday home furnishing. Nowadays, handmade paper has disappeared from our daily lives thus people have forgotten how washi was part of the everyday. After all, washi is made from fibres of a tree, which is the inner layer of a tree bark that has been carefully removed from the outer layer.

During the paper making process, we use soda ash to remove bitterness of the kozo (mulberry) and either choose to mix pigment and soil, or use 100% kozo fibres, depending on the uses. Every set of washi is made specific to each space including residential, restaurants, hotels and galleries. We work around 50 different spaces per year, and we hope to continue sharing the durability and flexibility of washi. All paper can be manufactured as non-flammable upon request.
  • 1. 打ち合わせ(必要に応じて現場に行きます)
  • 2. デザインの提案
  • 3. 必要に応じて設計士のご紹介
    紙漉キハタノで手に負えない場合は設計士に入ってもらうことをお勧めします。 全国に取引のある私たちの仕事を理解してくれている方をご紹介し、共に考えていきます
  • 4. デザインの決定(設計士に入ってもらう場合、図面の制作やその他の打ち合わせ等がございます)
  • 5. お見積もり
  • 6. 空間に合わせた和紙の制作
  • 7. 施工
  • 8. 引き渡し
  • 1. 図面を見て打ち合わせ
  • 2. 現場にて打ち合わせ
  • 3. デザインの決定
  • 4. お見積もり
  • 5. 空間に合わせた和紙の制作
  • 6. 施工
  • 7. 引き渡し
Direct order from the client
  • 1. Initial meeting (site visits if necessary)
  • 2. Design proposal
  • 3. Outsource architect/interior designer if necessary*
    *Depending on the plan/structure of the building, we suggest inviting either an architect or an interior designer to the team from our contacts who are familiar working with washi.
  • 4. Final design (additional meetings and production of floor plans are required when working with architects/interior designers)
  • 5. Estimates
  • 6. Production of original washi made specific to the space
  • 7. Siteworks
  • 8. Project delivery
Order via architects/design team
  • 1. Initial meeting / design proposal (review of the floor plans)
  • 2. Meeting on-site (through discussions, we make suggestions based on our experiences and knowledge)
  • 3. Final design
  • 4. Estimates
  • 5. Production of original washi made specific to the space
  • 6. Siteworks
  • 7. Project delivery
  • 顔料漉き込み楮紙を使用
  • 和紙施工後着色
  • 創作壁
  • 和紙施工後に着色またはコーティング
  • 施工費のほかに経費(消耗品、養生、滞在費、打ち合わせ経費、廃棄物処理費等)や移動距離が多い場合は移動費をいただいています。
Walls & ceiling
  • Walls & ceiling
    We use pigment & soil mixed washi, ideal for walls / ceiling such as residentials and large spaces. The surface of washi is made to resist water and can be cleaned using wet cloths. Waterproof coating is available for more durability with additional 1,000 JPY per sq m. The paper can be manufactured as non-flammable.
    Price per sq m: 11,000 JPY
  • Painted walls & ceiling
    Ideal for featuring unique walls and ceiling, washi is painted after applying onto the surface. The paper is made to resist water and can be cleaned using wet cloths. Waterproof coating is available for more durability with additional 1,000 JPY per sq m. The paper can be manufactured as non-flammable.
    Price per sq m: 18,000 JPY
  • Art wall
    A wall is treated as a canvas to create one of a kind walls, suitable for a specific backdrop such as an entrance hall. The surface of washi is made to resist water and can be cleaned using wet cloths. Waterproof coating is available for more durability with additional 1,000 JPY per sq m. The paper can be manufactured as non-flammable.
    Price per sq m: 20,000 JPY
Flooring & furniture pieces
  • Double layers of 100% kozo washi is applied for durability, then painted and/or coated with food-safe finishes. Ideal for restaurant counters and hotel guest room floors. It can be easily hoovered or cleaned using wet cloths. The paper can be manufactured as non-flammable.
    Price per sq m: 20,000 JPY
  • Please note there are other expenses in addition to siteworks, such as paint tools, dispose of waste, meetings and accommodation/travel if necessary.

  • 汚れ
  • めくれ、剥がれ
Maintenance & repairs
We have had many enquiries regarding maintenance and durability of washi. Washi is a natural material which could be worn out eventually over time through frequent uses and level of humidity causing to peel or rip. However, most repairs can be done easily by the client themselves or we can proceed repairs with additional cost depending on how the paper was originally applied.

  • Cleaning & stain removal
    The surface of washi is coated with konnyaku paste (a natural plant starch), persimmon tannin (fermented persimmon juice) and/or wood oil therefore it can be cleaned easily using a wet cloth. For stubborn stains that cannot be removed, it can be repaired by re-applying the same washi used originally (we will leave some leftover washi at the end of the siteworks for you to keep it safe) or re-paint the surface. For restaurants and hotels, we recommend coating with waterproof finishes.
  • Peels & rips
    Most peels and rips can be repaired simply by using adhesives (wood glue, plant-based starch glue or glue stick). Make sure to wipe any excessive glue off the surface. For tables and floors, areas that are frequently used could worn out eventually by peeling or colours fading away. Again, it can be repaired by applying the same washi used originally or re-paint the surface.